C2 Migration

Dušan Drbohlav

Friday, April 14 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

First of all, Czechia and its migratory parameters and migration development will be introduced and juxtaposed to other Central/Eastern European countries. Some important historical patterns will be mentioned and pinpointed, too. Then, the most important migratory features of the country will be presented while some selected characteristics will be compared over time. When characterizing migratory patterns, motives for migration, mechanisms through which migrants come and impact of migration movements upon Czech society (its economic, demographic and geographical structures) will be discussed above all. Impacts of the migration upon migrants themselves and a country of origin will be mentioned too. Final parts of the talk are devoted to migration and integration policies and practices and circumstances of their application. Of course, the current migratory effects of the COVID-19 and the Ukraine-Russia war conflict have to be briefly introduced.


King, R., 2019. Diverse, fragile and fragmented: The new map of European migration. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 8(1), pp.9-32.

Valenta, O. and Drbohlav, D., 2018. Longitudinal and spatial perspectives on the mismatch of tertiary educated migrant workers in the Czech labour market: The case of Ukrainians. Moravian Geographical Reports, 26(4), pp.255-272.