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B5 Socio-spatial Differentiation of Czechia

Martin Ouředníček Wednesday, April 12 10:30 am – 12:00 pm The lecture explains the main features and processes of the socio-spatial differentiation in Czechia during the transformation and post-transformation period 1989-2022. It starts with the results of Delphi survey on social differentiation and problems in post-socialist Czechia. Then spatial patterns of social, demographic, and economic […]

B4 Queer Geography of Czechia

Michal Pitoňák Tuesday, April 11 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Geographies of sexualities are usually not one of those most tangible geographical subject matters. However, at the same time, quickly changing societal norms, legislations, and other rapid developments make it almost possible to grasp these changes in real time. Similarly, many regions have passed their […]

B3 Temporality of Urban Space

Lucie Pospíšilová & Petra Špačková Tuesday, April 11 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Daily mobility and variations of population within the city are of growing interest in urban studies. By adding the temporal dimension to the evaluation of a rather static socio-spatial patterns of residential population, this approach enhances our understanding of cities as dynamic […]

B Excursion 1: The Outer City of Prague

Luděk Sýkora Thursday, April 6 10:30 am – 2:30 pm Departure from and return to Karlovo náměstí • South Town Central Park: massive housing project from socialist times – contemporary issues and challenges• Vietnamese Trade and Cultural Center Sapa, the largest retail and wholesale center of Vietnamese in central Europe located in Praha-Libuš, an emerging […]

B2 Contemporary Urban Development

Luděk Sýkora Wednesday, April 5 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm • Contemporary urban challenges: residential segregation and suburban sprawl• Risks of new path dependencies and lock-ins• The second round of transition: legitimacy crisis and seeking alternatives in urban development Readings: Sýkora, L., 2020. Postsocialist Cities. In: Kobayashi, A., ed., International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd […]

E3 Extreme Floods

Jakub Langhammer Tuesday, April 25 10:30 am – 12:00 pm The lecture presents floods in Prague and Czechia in the past two decades in the context of historical floods in Central Europe, their relation to the extensive landscape alterations, climate change, and changes in the flood protection paradigm. The catastrophic flood in August 2002 that […]

E4 Tourism and Second Homes

Jiří Vágner Tuesday, May 2 10:30 am – 12:00 pm The lecture gives an essential insight into the research, development and statistics of inbound, outbound and domestic tourism in Czechia with focus on regional aspects, SWOT analysis, tourism management and recent risk factors – overtourism and pandemics and migration crises threats. The second part presents […]

E2 Environmental Quality

Václav Treml Monday, April 24 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Lecture provides a comprehensive overview of the recent status of Czech environment. First, the physical conditions (geomorphology, bedrock, soils, climatic settings etc.) influencing the environment will be reviewed. Then, we will briefly discuss settlement history and development of agriculture and industry, and show how the […]