B Excursion 1: The Outer City of Prague
Luděk Sýkora
Thursday, April 6 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
Departure from and return to Karlovo náměstí
• South Town Central Park: massive housing project from socialist times – contemporary issues and challenges
• Vietnamese Trade and Cultural Center Sapa, the largest retail and wholesale center of Vietnamese in central Europe located in Praha-Libuš, an emerging ethnically diverse neighborhood with an increasing proportion of Vietnamese and other foreign immigrants
• Dolní Břežany – suburban settlement with revitalized and newly established municipal center and a cluster of new research centers including Eli Beamlines (https://www.eli-beams.eu/) that runs one of the world’s most intense laser systems, and HiLASE (https://www.hilase.cz/en/)
• Diversified suburban experience: drive through spatially fragmented pattern of suburban sprawl in southwestern areas of Prague metropolitan area