E1 Land Use Change
Radim Perlín
Monday, April 24 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
The 19th and 20th centuries were periods of quick and deep changes in both nature and human society in Central Europe. In general, we can observe three levels of interaction nature and society:
- Nature – Society determination
- Nature – Society competition
- Nature – Society cooperation
During the last century, society started gaining dominance over nature and has been increasingly determining the state of the environment, the landscape, and land use. At the same time, society itself has transitioned from interactions on the micro and regional scale, to macro and global interactions. Ts unprecedented change has affected land cover and land use, as well as functons of localities and microregions, and their differentiation.
We study land use change because of:
- Ecological and economic reasons
- Forecasting and prognostic capabilities
- Learning to determine driving forces of regional change
- Creating theoretical explanation of nature – society interactions
Vaishar, A. Land policy for rural development in the European Union. In print.